A Captivating Story
Whether children are learning to read or being read to, they will immerse themselves into the story as Neska [nes-kuh] comes face-to-face with her fears during her first beach outing.

Paperback and Ebook Options
You can choose the paperback copy, and/or Android users can select the ebook copy. (Digital version not available for iOS.)

Highly Interactive
We do not use PDF, MOBI, or other boring file types to present our ebook. See our sample below to experience the difference. Your little one(s) will appreciate the interactivity. (View it on full screen.)

Stunning Illustrations
Children love bright and contrasting colors since, in part, they are easier to discern. Our book is filled with vibrantly colored illustrations that will positively affect a child’s mood.

Inclusive and Diverse
This book is for children from any background, religion, gender, or race. It’s a great way to diversify a child’s book collection while showing one’s appreciation for black writers.

Offline Viewing
Android users can download the ebook to their devices and read it without an internet connection.



RS Hemley is an attentive first-time mother who continuously watches in awe as her toddler discovers the world in which she lives. The second born to a pair of young parents in a five-person household, RS Hemley grew up surrounded by family and love. She learned to read at an early age and always enjoyed it throughout her life. However, she eventually noticed that the many books she read did not represent people that looked like her. After a visit to the beach with her family, RS Hemley decided to share her family’s experience through a children’s book to showcase the story of a black family. Thus, Aaahhh! Scary Water Monster, written through the eyes of her daughter, was born.


If you have questions, comments, or feedback, please contact us at [email protected].